Current Situation
Due to the Covid19 virus, which started spreading around the world in late 2019, we at TEDxHeidelberg have currently put all our activities on hold. Therefore, we are currently not searching for new team members and also our next events and activities for you, our community, are unfortunately currently not foreseeable. If you, however, are interested in taking over the TEDxHeidelberg license, feel free to reach out to
Stay safe and sound!
TEDxHeidelberg team
Our Vision
Inspiration & Ideas
As children we’re constantly exploring and asking the people surrounding us all sorts of questions – this is driven by curiosity! As adults we barely know more than children and the world is still filled with valuable inspiration and new ideas worth discovering. We believe a nourishing environment for good ideas can change the world in a positive way.
Network & Communication
Humans are social beings, who suffocate if they are confronted with loneliness. While Britain appointed a “Minister of Loneliness”, we’re taking care to have shared experience at our events. At TEDxHeidelberg we are eager to connect our participants and create an atmosphere that is open-minded. No one has to hide from expressing her or his thoughts!
Discussion & Sharing
At TEDxHeidelberg, we aim to provide a platform, that sparks conversation and fosters open discussion amongst each other. We believe that sharing knowledge and opinions leads to extraordinary synergic effects, deepens mutual understanding and creates empathy in society.
Diversity & Perspective
We are bringing together people with various backgrounds, beliefs and experiences. We welcome people from every discipline and culture. Therefore, we celebrate diversity and put a strong focus on empathy towards other people’s opinions. We invite you to share your perspective and listen to others!
It took us more than two years to realise, that we understand ourselves not merely as event organisers, but rather as a community with an underlying identity. The core of this identity is the values we’ve described above, and we are doing our best to build all our activities around them. We would like to invite you to take part in one of our events – filled with curiosity, empathy, diverse perspectives and collaboration!
We are afraid to care too much, for fear that the other person does not care at all. – Eleanor Roosevelt
TEDxHeidelberg 2019
One hype chases the other, buzzwords are floating around in today’s meeting culture and it seems nearly impossible to distinguish between a trend actually having an impact on society and one, which is entirely being built on hot air. The world is changing faster than ever before and companies, society and politics alike are confronted with a continuously increasing complex world. Which problems to tackle first? Which opportunities should be prioritised? Trapped in a deadlock of selective perception many people already struggle to identify the most important aspects of their own lives.

TEDxHeidelberg 2018
Hidden Treasures have two types which are the things we are used to, which may have little meaning to us but could be priceless to others. It’s the little things, as well as the unknown and unexplored. We invited you to tap into the limitless potential of discovering many diamonds in the rough.
Read more about the event and find the speakers’ hidden treasures in their talks!
What would we be without our speakers? We are happy that we have had them on stage and we are proud to present their ideas to you. For you, we have collected all talks from 2016, 2017 and 2018.

What is TEDx?
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Our event is called TEDxHeidelberg, where x = independently organized TED event. At our TEDxHeidelberg event, TED Talks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.